15 Signs Your Body Is Telling You You’re Drinking Too Much

bruising and alcohol

Alcohol hepatitis can lead to liver failure and can also gradually damage the liver and lead to cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is when normal liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, which causes the liver to lose its ability to function well. Alcohol’s effects on skin can be quite visible not long after drinking. There are many facial signs of alcoholism, but one of the most common signs is redness in your face. According to the National Library of Medicine, a bruise is a mark under the skin, usually painful and swollen, that occurs because of blood trapped beneath the skin’s surface.

bruising and alcohol

Think you have a drinking problem?

bruising and alcohol

Read on to learn how heavy drinking can make you more susceptible to bruising and how you can prevent this condition from worsening. Alcohol is a blood thinner, which means it affects the platelet count and quality in people who drink too much. Alcohol addiction can cause various health issues, some bruising and alcohol of which include bruising and subcutaneous bleeding.

  • Easy bruising and bleeding are signs of cirrhosis, which is a serious liver disorder.
  • As alcohol dries the skin, our natural defence against pathogens, this can also lead to repeated skin infections.
  • Even a vitamin B12 deficiency can contribute to low platelet counts.
  • Bruises happen when blood leaks out of your veins and capillaries and pools under your skin because there isn’t an opening for the blood to get out of your body.
  • So, the next time you’re out with friends, remember to pace yourself and drink plenty of water.


Symptoms of iron deficiency typically include tiredness, fatigue, shortness of breath, paleness, and heart palpitations. Anyone who experiences these symptoms should seek prompt medical advice, as early treatment is often effective. This article explains why some people may bruise more easily than others. Eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding liver-damaging foods such as fried foods, can also help the liver what is alcoholism heal during treatment. In some cases, supplementation with vitamins may be recommended.

Bleeding disorders

You may also feel sluggish, groggy, and easily irritable, mainly due to disrupted sleep or low blood sugar levels. Additionally, drinking can aggravate certain skin conditions, such as psoriasis and rosacea. I have been doing the sessions for the last few weeks and it has been a life changer experience. They will educate you on ABC Medication, breathing technique and nutrition. I was not sure about it first but I went ahead and started the treatment from them anyways and so far it’s been a dream.

  • During a transplant, surgeons remove the damaged liver and replace it with a healthy working liver.
  • People with von Willebrand disease (about 1%-2% of the population have this) make little or no von Willebrand protein, which is important for blood clotting.
  • Synthetic versions of these clotting factors can help treat hemophilia and reduce the risk of serious bleeding and bruising.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and medications called benzodiazepines can ease withdrawal symptoms in a person with alcohol dependency.

bruising and alcohol

Your legs and arms are the most common places to get bruises. You may get them if you had a fall, got hurt playing sports, or bumped into a piece of furniture. People over 65 years old and those assigned female at birth (AFAB) are more likely to get bruises than others because these groups generally have thinner skin and smaller blood vessels. Alcohol can lead to problems such as fatty liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis.

  • If a loved one has a bruise that can’t be explained, particularly in an unusual location such as on the face, be aware of the possibility of abuse.
  • If one of these tests reveals an abnormality, additional tests are usually needed to identify the cause.
  • Because of this fact, a person with an alcohol use disorder may have several failed attempts to stop drinking.

Bleeding continues longer after an injury because the blood cannot clotted properly. When a blood vessel injury occurs uncontrolled bleeding and bruising results. Even with a normal number of platelets, bleeding may occur if these cells don’t function properly. Platelet disorders interfere with the body’s ability to properly clot blood because there is a lack of proteins in the blood (clotting factors) that help platelets form blood clots. Von Willebrand disease, the most prevalent bleeding disorder, affects about 1% of the population. A person with this condition has little or no von Willebrand protein, which is important for blood clotting.

bruising and alcohol

Health Challenges

One common sign of alcoholic hepatitis is jaundice, where the skin and whites of your eyes look yellowish. But long-term and excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver inflammation (liver hepatitis). Symptoms of this condition include appetite loss and weight loss. Other alcohol-related liver diseases resulting from consistent liver inflammation, like alcoholic jaundice (aka alcoholic hepatitis), are also common with chronic drinking.

2024-11-28T11:47:56+00:00 July 12th, 2021|Sober living|